Evolving 5G for the next decade
Szabolcs Malomsoky, PhD
Head of Ericsson Research Budapest
5G networks are emerging all across the globe. Mobile broadband services are being significantly improved enabling even richer experiences compared to today’s smartphone apps. Moreover, new applications of mobile networks are being invented related to e.g. the manufacturing and automotive industries. These require a networking and compute infrastructure which can provide ultra-low latency and high reliability. 5G and its future evolution is a digital infrastructure for industrial and societal transformation. In this talk I highlight new enabling technologies including research results from the Research Lab I’m heading.
Short bio
Szabolcs Malomsoky is the head of the Research Sector called Network Implementation and Transport (Budapest, Stockholm and Santa Clara) as well as the Budapest branch of Ericsson Research. He received a PhD degree from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2003. Szabolcs worked with strategy setting and technical leadership in research areas including analytics, cloud computing, network management and programmable networks. The research branch under his lead works on key projects of Ericsson Research around cloud technologies, network evolution and artificial intelligence. Since the beginning of 2016 he is also responsible for the Ericsson Garage in Budapest, which is an incubator of new innovations, developing minimum viable products for diverse customers. Szabolcs holds over 30 international patents (granted and in progress), over 15 international conference and journal papers. He was a presenter at the Mobile World Congress, Technical Sessions in Cannes, 2001.